
Wellness in your community


The Los Angeles Wellness Station mission is to provide an accessible, collaborative, and complete services hub in order to promote community health and wellness.

Established in 2013, Los Angeles Wellness Station is a services hub inside of the Pueblo Del Rio community in South Los Angeles ,The center matches Pueblo Del Rio residents with community partners that delivers medical and social services, fitness and life skills classes and enrollment assistance. Founded by Carolynn Martin and a project of the National Council of Negro Women - View Park, the Los Angeles Wellness Station aims to uplift the community through health, social services and education. The Wellness Station boost many community partners that have been integral to the various programs. our goal is to provide an accessible, collaborative ,and complete health services hub for residents of The Pueblo Del Rio public housing development( and surrounding areas) in order to promote community health and wellness. The Wellness Station employs a part time P.A. ( Physician’s Assistant) to provide healthcare guidance, which includes accompanying residents on medical appointments and meetings with physicians to ensure that patients understand their treatment plans. Our center is open five days per week , and one Saturday per month which offers special health screenings.

About the Founder & Executive Director, Carolynn Martin

Carolynn Martin-Person is currently the Executive Director of the Los Angeles Wellness Station and the immediate Past-President of the National Council of Negro Women -View Park Section. She is and has always been a community advocate and activist and is dedicated to the mission of the National Council of Negro Women Inc. Passionate about the community, Mrs. Martin's focus has been in HIV/AIDS prevention, wellness and awareness in the African-American community. Mrs. Martin is also the Co-Chair for the National Black HIV AIDS Awareness Day Coalition Los Angeles and serves on the board of the education non-profit, Parent Revolution. She is the mother of four adult children and grandmother of fifteen.


Office: (323)476-7121




5416 Long Beach Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90058


Our collaborative partners

OUr Programs

The Los Angeles Wellness Station offers The Pueblo Del Rio community various programs


The Los Angeles Wellness Station offers on-site & mobile health screenings, testing and services for the following health needs: 

  • Diabetes Testing/ Education

  • Women's Health ( Mobile Mammograms Service)

  • HIV Testing /Education

  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Testing

  • Mobile Eye Exam Services

  • Mobile Dental Services

holistic wellness

The key to restoring communities is holistic wellness. The Los Angeles Wellness Station offers the community various programs that create a better work, social and life balance.

These include: 

  • Zumba Classes ( Every Monday 10am-12pm)

  • Men's Healthy Living Consultations

  • Women's Healthy Living Consultations

  • Substance Abuse Programs

  • Legal Assistance

kids zone

The children of the community are our future! The Los Angeles Wellness Station offers multiple services for the children that live and come-through the community everyday.

  • Daily breakfast and lunch for the children.

  • Summer School (8am-3pm)

  • Educational Advocacy & Support

  • Free books

  • Homework Assistance

If you would like to learn more about our services, timings for the various programs, or participate in our programs/Events Please Call (323) 476-7121 For more information.

Our Events

We offer FREE programs and events because there is NO POWER for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.


Our Summer Freedom School Program 2019


Wellness Education

The Los Angeles Wellness Station believes that for the overall improvement of communities, education and awareness are the key to prevention and success. Here we post Key Articles and Research for our clients around pertinent health and wellness issues.  




Education is important because it helps us to obtain new skills and knowledge that will impact our development in life. A child’s academic performance starts from home you are your child/’s first and most important teacher. Parent’s involvement does impact a child(s) education academic for many of reasons. we might not notice how much a little of our attention helps our children(s) in their daily life. We also learn how to become better parents while our child are growing and learning as well. Learning should focus on the values, attitudes, and behaviors which enable individuals to learn to live together in a world with so many different characteristics. There is many challenges public schools are facing. Us teacher’s and parent’s needs to come together to help our kids/students become the best we all have a special talents and are smart at something help our kids make a better future. BELOW THERE ARE LINKS TO DIFFERENT WEBSITES REGARDING IMPORTANT INFORMATION that can help our schools and our scholars . Give your opinions and advise to your child’s school stand tall for your child , and teachers stand tall for your students you are like second parents to your students.

-Crystal V. Lopez


Zumba is an exercise fitness program created by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto "Beto" Perez during the 1990s. Zumba involves dance and aerobic movements performed to energetic music. The choreography incorporates hip-hop, soca, samba, salsa, merengue and mambo. Squats and lunges are also included.

Pros & Cons on Immunizations

When I talk to parents who are hesitant about vaccines, what they most want to talk to me about are possible side effects of the vaccine. They worry about everything from fevers and soreness to additives to possible links to autism. They rarely worry about the diseases that vaccines prevent—and that’s what worries me most of all.


 Community Information


For More Information Contact CORY (626) 366 - 9471.


Village17 is a program that will take youth to new heights.They will challenge kids to strive for success. While encouraging them to go for everything they want in Life through sports and business.